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The Amish Farm and House is an attraction established in 1955 to educate the public about life in Lancaster County, PA. The farm has been welcoming guests since 1955 with its fascinating story of how it was once a remote farming community. The Amish Farm and House became known around America for their distinct way of living while creating memories they will never forget.
Get ready for a fun day of exploring the Amish farm and countryside. You’ll start with some history about these humble people, then take an educational guided tour through their homes. Don’t miss out: be sure not to forget all those great photo opportunities that await outside your bus window as well when it’s time to return home at nightfall – or stay around if you’re feeling adventurous.
You’ll stop at an Amish business along the way when available. After your guided tours, spend time on their 15-acre farm where there’s fun for all ages: pet animals and ride bikes or pick flowers in their natural environment. When you visit The Amish Farm and House, your family will have an unforgettable experience on one of their 15 acres. Your tour guide is ready for whatever weather throws at them, so make sure to bring sunscreen. There’s fun stuff in their store, like petting ziplines or exploring the schoolhouse built by hand without electricity (but still very cool). If it starts pouring rain, hang tight because we always end up having a great time together no matter what happens outside–as long as everyone stays dry.
The nearly 300-year old farm and house are attractions in their own right. The expert tour guides will take you through the history of this landmark. They started when first owned by an Amish family and continued through modern times. With stories about why they left those lives behind to now live out daily complexities as tourists ourselves.
When you visit The Amish Farm, it’s not just a farm. It is a place that is the heart of all that makes up Lancaster County – old-fashioned customs mixed with modern-day technology to provide an authentic educational experience for visitors worldwide who want to learn about America’s oldest continuous culture.
Situated at 2395 Covered Bridge Dr, Lancaster, PA 17602-1174, The Amish Farm and House is more than just a quaint attraction for tourists. It’s an authentic learning opportunity that comes.
With knowledgeable guides, most of whom have lived in Lancaster their entire lives or worked closely with the community themselves, this gives you plenty of opportunities to ask questions while on the guided tour.
The Fulton Theater strives to give each production; an identity of its own. One that will make it, unlike any other show you’ve seen before. These displays can range from being new and relevant to different from what they have done in previous seasons. But no matter how well-known the play might be elsewhere (or whether there’s even anything similar), their goal here at The Fulton Theater concerns themselves with bringing top-notch quality performances right upfront. Hence, audiences get their money’s worth and an opportunity to see something new.
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