Whether you’re injured on the job or as the result of an accident, you may find yourself in need of an injury attorney to help you get justice and compensation. At Georgelis, Larsen & Sabatino Injury Law Firm, P.C., our consultations are free of charge. You can call any time to speak with one an injury attorney.
When you call for a consultation with a Georgelis, Larsen & Sabatino Injury Law Firm, P.C. attorney, or any good injury attorney, you should expect a few consistent things:
- No charge
- Discussion of Options
- Compassion
#1 No Charge
If you reached out to an injury attorney for a consultation and were asked to provide a credit card number or were billed for the conversation, back away! A reputable injury attorney will not charge you for a consultation. After all, you haven’t hired them yet! The purpose of a consultation is for you to ask an experienced lawyer if you have a claim, see if you feel comfortable moving forward with them, and get your questions answered. At Georgelis, Larsen & Sabatino Injury Law Firm, P.C. firm, there is never a charge for a consultation. In fact, we don’t make any money unless we get compensation awarded for you.
#2 Discussion of Options
Your consultation with an injury attorney will start out with some basic questions. The lawyer will ask when and how the injury occured, whether there are any reports of the incident and where the injury happened (at work, on public property, etc). These initial questions allow the attorney to understand better what kind of claim you have and how they may suggest you proceed.
After listening to your story and details of your injury or accident, the lawyer will walk you through your options. They can tell you, on first impression, whether or not you have a viable case and what steps you would need to take to proceed with a claim. If you have more than one claim or if there are different ways that the attorney feels you could move forward with your claim, that may come up too. If the lawyer feels that you have a case worth moving forward with, they will ask about scheduling a time for a longer meeting so that they can get started working for you.
#3 Compassion
Filing claims and fighting for clients is the work of injury attorneys, yes, but that doesn’t mean that you should be met with a cold professional on the other end of the line. The lawyers at Georgelis, Larsen & Sabatino Injury Law Firm, P.C. are members of the community that they serve in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We treat our clients like our friends and neighbors, because that’s who they are.
If you are calling for a consultation, it’s because you’ve been hurt in some way. It’s probably an especially stressful, upsetting or painful moment in your life. A good injury attorney will recognize this and treat you with the compassion and care you deserve.
Ready to Schedule?
If you think you could benefit from a consultation with an injury lawyer, you can call 1-800-HURT-NOW anytime to talk with one of our talented attorneys.