In terms of first-party benefits, like payment of medical bills and reimbursement of lost wages, you will look to your own automobile insurance policy as the first layer of coverage. This is mandated by Pennsylvania’s Motor Vehicle Code, and you pay premiums to your insurance company for this coverage. As far as your bodily injury claim goes, however, you will look to the liability coverage under the commercial or business insurance policy for compensation to address your losses. The biggest difference between a commercial policy and a garden-variety, personal motor vehicle insurance policy is that, most times, the liability coverage will be much higher. So, if your injuries are catastrophic and your losses, or damages, are substantial, there should be significantly more coverage available to you from the business’ policy. However, along with the increased coverage that commercial policies typically provide, frequently come greater financial resources for investigation, accident reconstruction and legal representation. In other words, usually, companies with big insurance policies also have immediate access to attorneys, investigators and other representatives who will start working right away to limit the value of your bodily injury claim. Therefore, if you are the victim of a motor vehicle accident caused by a commercial driver, it is extremely important to contact a law firm dedicated to handling injury and accident claims, as soon as possible, so that your rights and interests are properly protected. The lawyers at Georgelis, Larsen & Sabatino Injury Law Firm, P.C. are always ready and willing to help those involved in such accidents, and we offer a free and no-obligation consultation and evaluation of your claim so that your questions can be answered, your concerns can be addressed and you can have the peace-of-mind you deserve.