When it comes to taking out car insurance policies, do you make sure you get the very best car insurance available, or do you simply look for the cheapest premiums? In order to properly protect yourself and your family from monetary and non-monetary damages caused by car accidents, you should ensure that your policy includes these two highly important benefits.
Full tort car insurance coverage
Full tort is one of the best car insurance benefits someone can have if they’re involved in an accident that has caused them non-monetary losses – the pain and suffering brought on due to physical or mental trauma sustained in the crash.
With full tort coverage, you’re able to bring a claim for compensation for these types of losses experienced not only by you, but by your spouse, too. In contrast, limited tort coverage generally restricts your ability to bring compensation claims for ‘serious’ bodily injury only, which typically means death, permanent and serious disfigurement or significant impairment of bodily functions. Since there is no official definition on what constitutes ‘serious’ disfigurement or impairment, many people with limited tort find themselves struggling to put forward compensation claims for non-monetary losses that have had a significant impact on their lives.
Although more expensive than limited tort, full tort car insurance coverage gives you absolute peace of mind that your legal rights will not be restricted after being involved in an accident. Even minor injuries caused in a car accident can cause pain and suffering, and the ability to claim compensation can help you to protect yourself and your family from unnecessary additional trauma.
UM and UIM benefits
Although in most US states car drivers by law should obtain car insurance, the reality is that many do not get sufficient coverage or, even worse, do not take out a policy at all. If you’re hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, you’ll find yourself having to pursue the driver personally, beyond his insurance coverage, in court in order to recover your losses, an incredibly difficult, time-consuming and, many times, unfruitful process. Plus, on many occasions, uninsured drivers fail to get coverage due to lack of funds, meaning that they may not have enough money to pay you compensation even if your claim against them is successful.
Uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) car insurance coverage protects you in the event that you are hit by an un- or under-insured driver. As a separate added extra to your policy, UM/UIM coverage will increase your insurance payments, but this usually small, added expense could help you recoup thousands of dollars in the future if you’re hit by one of the 12.6% of American motorists who drive without car insurance.